Saturday, August 1, 2020

Writing A Dissertation Using A Case Study Method

Writing A Dissertation Using A Case Study MethodDissertation writing is quite similar to that of a journal article; only the conclusion is almost always included. In general, research papers are organized in three parts or sections. Those who do not know much about writing a thesis would be really surprised at the number of parts which are used in this type of writing.The first part is called the 'Synopsis'. This is basically a description of the theme and the ideas covered in the whole thesis. It does not even have to be in the form of a written text, as many journal articles are written in the first person. The author will only include the relevant points in his/her own words.The second part is the 'Summary'. This basically summarizes what has been written in the previous section. The authors are expected to write a lot about each section in order to put down clearly all that was covered in the previous paragraphs. When compiling a thesis, the thesis writer must first decide if he wants to cover all or just a part of each chapter. When writing a thesis, it is not a problem for the writer to spend more time in the summary.The third part is the 'Conclusion'. It will be a brief summary of the material included in the first two parts. It is not uncommon for the authors to go on and write more chapters on their own to keep the thesis clear.The first and most important part of any academic paper is the introduction. This should be planned well in advance and will always give an overview of the topic and the goals of the writer. It does not even have to be written in the first person, as one can simply describe the point by which he/she disagrees with the opposing view or provides an argument for the subject.After the introduction, the dissertation will move to the next part of the paper which isthe 'Introduction of Chapters'. The author will include his/her views on each chapter, usually based on the specific chapter. However, he/she will always be careful to avoid presenting his/her own point of view more than the other's. This is a key point when writing a thesis and is quite different from the journal articles in which the author will always have his/her own point of view in the articles.The last part of the thesis will be the 'Conclusion' and should be included in the last paragraph of the paper. In many cases, the thesis will end with a case study or some kind of case study report. Some journals require the authors to provide such a report.Thesis writing is quite a demanding process. One needs to be very clear about what one wants to say and also be very organized in order to make the whole process easier. Thesis writing requires a lot of research work and reading, so it is best if you can afford to hire a thesis writer who can help you.

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